4) If I did decide to include non-experts, how could we possibly communicate about highly technical matters? I don't have time to give introductory seminars every step of the way.


Lets look back at the two quotations of failures:
Maoist Mathematics

"Before the cultural revolution some of us believed in the beauty of mathematics but failed to solve practical problems; now we deal with water and gas pipes, cables, and rolling mills. We do it for the country and the workers appreciate it."

Goddard's eugenics

"There are great groups of men, laborers, who are but little above the child, who must be told what to do and shown how to do it; and who, if we would avoid disaster, must not be put in positions of where they will have to act upon their own initiative.

The Maoists fail to translate the importance of the professional scientific community.
The Goddardists fail to translate the importance of lay knowledge.

Participant Simulation requires a symmetric view of these two knowledge systems. Translation is not just a burden placed on the professional modeler, but a two-way task that both lay stakeholders and professionals must collaborate in.