Ron Eglash: Social Studies of Cybernetics

Papers and Publications

When Self-organization Meets Appropriation: Collective Technological Flexibility and Social Power (ppt of talk SSSS Nov 2011 Cleveland OH)

Eglash, R. "Multiple objectivity: an anti-relativist approach to situated knowledge", Kybernetes, Vol. 40, No 7/8, pp.995 – 1003, 2011. Pre-publication version.

When Terabyte Makes Right: The Changing Role of Computing Power in the Social Authority of Simulations (AAA Nov 2000)

Cultural Cybernetics: the Mutual Construction of People and Machines (SSSS Oct 2000)


Cybernetics and American youth subculture (Cultural Studies 12:382-409, 1998)

Eglash, R. "Conference Report: Embracing Complexity, MIT August 2-4 1998." Technoscience 11-3 Fall 1998.

Eglash, R. “From Hip-Hop to Flip-Flop.” In Paul Miller (ed) Sound Unbound.  New York: Routledge forthcoming.

Eglash, R. "African influences in cybernetics." in The Cyborg Handbook, Chris Gray (ed), NY: Routledge 1995a.

Eglash, R. "Interview with Patricia Cowing." in The Cyborg Handbook, Chris Gray (ed), NY: Routledge 1995c.

Related Web Sites

AfroFuturism (Kali Tal)

Culture, Class and Cyberspace (Art McGee)

Digital Dancing Review (Susan Kozel)

Cyborg music: DJ Spooky

How to make a mix (Paul Miller)

Feminist cyber-grrls

Analog communication in African music (Eric Davis)

Black electronic music and postmodernism (Robin Mackay)

Resource Center for Cybercultural Studies

Cyborgology: The Study of Cyborgs and Cyborg Society (Chris Gray)

Gender and Race in Media: African American (University of Iowa)

The Benjamin Banneker Network

Science as Culture: special issue on race

Other Social Studies of Science sites

Society for Social Studies of Science

CASTAC (anthropology of science, technology and computing)

Culture and technoscience links (Phil Hughes)

Anthropology of Science and Technology list (Jan Armstrong Gamradt)

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