d& &&#TNPP2OMi & TNPP &&TNPP    - "-- !-- "-&G& - &Gy& &Hxx&--˘- $HRRxHx $R\\xRx $\ffx\x $fppxfxʘ- $pzzxpxʗ- $zxzx $xxɗ- $xxɖ- $xxȖ- $xx $xxǕ- $xxƕ- $xxƔ- $xxŔ- $xxē- $xx $xxÒ- $xx‘- $xx- $xx- $xx- $$$xx- $$..x$x- $.88x.x- $8BBx8x- $BLLxBx- $LVVxLx- $V``xVx- $`jjx`x- $jttxjx- $t~~xtx- $~x~x- $xx- $xx- $xx- $xx}- $xx|- $xxz- $xxy- $xxw- $xxv- $xxt- $xxr- $xxq- $  xxo- $ x xn- $xxl- $((xxj- $(22x(xh- $2<<x2xg- $<FFx<xe- $FPPxFxd- $PZZxPxb- $ZddxZxa- $dnnxdx~_- $nxxxnx|]- $xxxxz\- $xxy[- $xxwY- $xxuX- $xxsW- $xxqU- $xxpT- $xxnS- $xxmR- $xxkQ- $xxjP- $xxiO- $xxgN- $xxfM- $xxeL- $xxdK- $""xxcK- $",,x"xbJ- $,66x,xaI- $6@@x6x`I- $@JJx@x`H- $JTTxJx_H- $T^^xTx_G- $^hhx^x^G- $hrrxhx $rxxxrx---&& @Times New Roman- .*2 2The State of the Art in       . .2 2# Nanotechology  . . 2 e-. .2 eNanoelectronics   .---- @Times New Roman- . 2  . .F2 .*A nanometer is a billionth of a meter (10^           . . 2 F- . .02 P9) and spans approximately         . .$2 .10 atomic diameters     . . 2  . .2 .Nanotechnology   . .R2 2is the technology for designing, fabricating, and            . .2 . applying   . .2  nanosystems   . . 2 V . . 2 m- . .2 x nanometer  . . 2 - . .2   scale systems     . . 2 L  . . 2 L.A  . .2 LM nanocomputer   . .H2 L +is a computer whose fundamental components         . .?2 r.%measure only a few nanometers(<100nm)        . . 2   . .?2 .%Minimum feature size on todays state         . . 2 - . . 2 "of . . 2 >- . . 2 Hthe . . 2 o- . .2 zart commercial     . .B2 .'integrated circuits measure about 350nm         . . 2   . .2 . Over 10,000   . .2  nanocomputer   . .@2 &components could fit in the area of a          . .d2 .>single modern microcomputer component (= more speed & density)                . . 2 I  . .2 I.Nanotechnology   . . 2 Iand  . .2 I?nanocomputers   . .-2 I could introduce many new       . .62 o.application s and possibilities      .--"System-&TNPP &