Questions on Kelly ch 11-12


1)     pp. 185 What is “cyberspace?”

2)     187 How might networked machines help in maintenance?

3)     188 How does networking change the relations of consumers and manufacturers?

4)     189 How does networking change the relations of delivery and manufacturers?

5)     190 What is meant by saying a company is “distributed?” 191-2 “decentralized?”

6)     192 What is meant by saying a company is “collaborative?” 193-4 “adaptive?”

7)     194-195 How might the unfortunate drawbacks of vivisystems show up for networked industries?

8)     196-197 How can software defects be reduced for complex systems?

9)     197-198 How can OOP help reduce software defects?

10)199 What are the trade-offs for and against zero-defect software?

11)200-201 Choose the four most important traits of a network-based economy. Justify your choices.

12)203-204 Why does Tim May think regulation of information flow is hopeless?

13)204-205 What does May see as the political consequences of encryption?

14)205-206 Why has encryption become increasingly popular to ordinary citizens?

15)207-209 Who are the “crypto-rebels” and what legitimate reasons to they cite?

16)209-211 How can Kelly say “encryption always wins” given the vastly superior computing resources of the government? Explain using the “fax effect” and PGP.

17) 211-212 How are privacy and authenticity affected by encryption?

18)212-213 How does metering information compare to metering other utilities?

19)214-215 How does encryption change information economics?

20)215-216 How does metering of software use work?

21)217-218 How does the example of pay-per-view present a problem for information metering? What is the solution?

22)219-220 What problems arise with debit card cash?

23)220-221 How does digital cash solve the debit card problems?

24)221-223 How does David Chaum’s encryption system solve the information overload problem for smart cards?