Questions on Turkle ch 5-6

(note: AI = artificial Intelligence, AL = artificial life, VR = virtual reality, RL = real life).


1)      126-127 Describe the modernist approach to AI from the 1950s-1960s.

2)      131-135 Describe the transitional postmodern approach to AI from 1970s-1980s

3)      136-137 Describe the stable postmodern approach to AI from 1980s-1990s

4)      138-141 How did connectionism change psychological models of the ego?

5)      141-145 How did decentered views of the ego change AI?

6)      147 What is meant by “the kinds of knowledge that come from being-in-the-world?”

7)      p. 150 What did Norbert Wiener see as the theological implications of AI?


8)      pp. 151-156 What does Chris Langton see as the rights regarding AL? Would you extend civil rights to AI?


9)      pp. 157-158 How did AL take on personal meaning in Langton's life?


10)  pp. 160, 167 How have more recent interpretations of Wiener's theological speculations been expressed?


11)  pp. 171-172 What are the computer effects of "morphing" and "cycling though?" How have they affected our cultural self-perceptions?