Questions on Schon, Sanyal and Mitchell ch 6,8


1)     pp. 153 Why worry about internet access in low-income communities? What are the two most important technical dimensions for access?

2)     153-4 What are the various options for internet access?

3)     155-6 Who invests in the material infrastructure of access, and how are returns on that investment received?

4)     156-7 How did low-income communities gain telephone access? What would be required to allow this to work for internet access?

5)     157-8 Use Mitchell’s caveat against “a rigid division between consumers and producers” (pg 153) to critique his optimism about internet-TV hybrid technology.

6)     158-9 In what ways are web browsers generally designed for a specific population?

7)     159-160 What beneficial consequences of web advertising did Mitchell not foresee in his concern that subscription access would become the norm?

8)     160-161 What is missing from Mitchell’s suggestion that low-income communities can gain economic advancement from supplying server services? Why would software production be a more reasonable suggestion? (hint: this answer is not in the book)

9)     193-194 Critique the following claim: Information is power, the internet provides free information, therefore the internet will eliminate all power differences in society.

10)194-199 How have cities used IT to help with access to community information?

11)199-201 How can IT help in community development and planning? What aspects in the design of this technology can help increase its democratic potential?

12)202-205 How can IT be used to represent quality of life issues in ways that contribute to community development?

13)205-6 What are some advantages and disadvantages of community networks?

14)206-8 How can collaborative planning systems help in communication between participants? How did the Leo approach  illustrate appropriate interface technology?

15)208-9 In what ways can IT “level the playing field” between contending development views?