Women@internet questions on ch 16-17


1)     pp. 206-207 What were the Iranian cultural associations for technology during the 1980s war with Iraq?

2)     Pp. 207-8 What did Iranian society shift to after the physical war had ended? How did this affect Iranian cultural associations for technology during the 1990s?

3)     208 What media were censored the most, and which had the most lee-way? What is the relationship of this pattern to cultural concepts of gender?

4)     208-9 How does Farhi (the author) use “veiling” to show the threat posed to government control by popular reinvention of tradition? How is this misinterpreted by outsiders?

5)     211-12 What changes does Farhi see in Iranian use of television? How does she see limits to these changes?

6)     213 What roles does she see for the internet in social change for women?

7)     214-215 How does Alshejni’s feminist ideology differ from that of Farhi in the previous chapter?

8)     How does Alshejni analyze women’s lower status in Arab countries?

9)     216-7 What has generally been the official Arab response to the Internet? How is this changing?

10)217-8 What does Alshejni see as the challenges and hopes for Arabic women online?