Women@internet questions on intro, ch 1-2


1)     pp. 1 what is this book based on? What were their goals?

2)     Pp.1-2 Why did they name the listserve “cyborg”?

3)     Pp. 3-4 Why did they compose a chapter using direct email “speech”?

4)     Pp. 4-5 compare how the idea of “place” was discussed by Marisa, Arturo, and Gillian.

5)     P. 6 Where were Pi and Lis working, and how did these locations influence their responses?

6)     Pp. 7-8 What is “ventriloquism”?

7)     Pp. 8-9 How does Kekula see the indigenous position in relation to this encounter with the language of feminist academic theory? Pp. 10-11 How did others react to her concerns?

8)     Pp. 11-13 How did Nidhi contribute to the critique of academic terminology, and how did Arturo and Gillian defend its use?

9)     Pp. 15-16 How did Fatma characterize the modernization challenges she faces?

10) Pp. 23 How does Rius see the basic challenges to women in old forms and new forms of communication? 23-24 What does she mean by “zones of resistance?”

11) Pp. 24 How does Rius regard Audre Lorde’s  “Master’s Tools” analysis and Haraways “Cyborg” analysis?

12) Pp. How does Barbie illustrate the ways in which global networks of informational capital create an illusion of diversity and multiculturalism? What broader issues does this illustrate?

13) Pp 26-27 What does the quineańera example illustrate?

14) Pp. 27-29 In what ways are the Zapatistas “cyborg Indians”? What feminist issue does Rius find here?

15) Pp. 33-35 What is Castell’s view of “informational capitalism?”

16) Pp. 35-36 How does Virillio see information technology changing our experience of space and time?

17) Pp. 37,40 How does Latour see networks in the creation of science and technology?

18) Pp. 41-44 How does Escobar see possibilities for using Latour’s networks in defense against the erosions threatened by Virillio and Castell’s dystopic visions?

19) Pp. 46-48 How do feminist politics enter into Esocbar’s analysis of the interactions between localization and cyberspace?

20) Pp. 50-53 How does Escobar attempt to extend his observations on the politics of biodiversity to other realms of feminist science and technology studies?